My name is Alberto Hernandez and I am the president of IQ Dominoes Corp. the company who has creating through this web site ( a new option market that will forever change the global economy in a positive and dynamic way, using the infinite potential of the most important technological development of the era,: the Internet. ,,combined with the most motivated logic balance system decode ever, applied to play a new dominoes game on line, where .results are fast, fun ,and dynamic ,making a fantastic combination of numbers and figures. ,where always will be a single winner ,but constantly ,means movement in economical sectors ,generating productivity ,prosperity and jobs
The solution? DT network ,
The solution lies in the Internet itself and must be implemented immediately in order to create a commercial network where companies that do business online have a new option for the sale of their products and services. This new option would be to sell into a virtual store that would be divided into 7 levels (DT Market by its acronym "Dominoes Tournament") and any of these products could be acquired after participating and winning a dominoes tournament with elimination rounds where the entry cost is equal to one or more tickets (up to maximum of 3) with a cost of about $1.07cents per ticket. This means that $3.21 is the maximum amount used to participate in this market, low investment cost, the results are virtually instantaneous, and will be accessible to everyone as only need to have a computer and be connected to the network. This is so simple and knowing beforehand that for every tournament there is always a single winner can get people to participate with a few dollars at any tournament for a prize with a cash value anywhere from $64 up to $1 000 000.
The person who decided to try to reach any necessity ,like a car ,a house paid off ,etc ,only have to select a product or service from the Vendor registered on the network at and the software will seat you on the correspondent tournament ,partial remnant tickets will be credit on your account if you result a winner participant or finished on first 64 place
The shortest tournament will take 3 round ,cover value up to 64 dollar ,same amount of participant ,and cost 1 tickets =(like a dollar ),if the winner-product was 59,dollar ,5 tickets will be credit to the winner account to complete the total amount necessary to open and run this tournament .the largest have 9 rounds ,262 144 participant ,and 4 tickets ($4.28 dollars )for the luxury one million cash prizes for a winner and other 48 576 dollars for the rest 64 participant to pass the first 7 rounds , .the 4 finalist(last table ) are going to receive 50%of the remaining ,and ,same procedure for every level down
We are pending about IRS regulation about this matter ,any %discount by the government will be applied and the winner already are going to receive outstanding money after taxes ,THE benefits of this special tournament is priceless ,if only by taxes concept our government are receiving constantly 300 000 dollars by minutes ,time estimate ,are going to be finished one tournament after other ,
IF we can package one million dollar by minutes and put on the area were the winner live ,we creating an huge impact on economic sector ,generating more than 500 000 milliners in 1 year period we call them DT milliners generation
,the sales are going to grow up ,made our government collect all Cain of taxes .we need to ensured ,Medicaid and Medicare programs .
We are sure that all the business company , who made sales on line ,are going to support this incredible opportunity ,knowing that the benefits are great and free ,,increasing the sales
We need your support on SOCIAL NETWORK ,
The application of this new model places, the real estate market in the highest level, open 24 hours, virtually no limit of participants and where it only takes a couple of dollars to participate will make all the properties available now and greatly reduce the bank repossession processes. Having a house of your own is the American Dream, and if only such little capital is needed to achieve it, many people will try to do so. The automotive industry will also see great benefits due to the fact that credit score and down payments, even monthly payments have been removed from the purchasing equations. This new market set up will force innovation and quality products because now what is most important in the purchase of a car is its quality and fuel efficiency, not its price.
The tourism industry will also benefit because only the good services and high-quality hotels will played for. Since people will always want to go out for a weekend with the family to any vacation destination, a few dollars investment and 15 minutes of fun in a dominoes tournament is more than enough incentive to participate guaranteeing maximum capacity for the highest quality hotels.
The ladies who want to improve their self-esteem as a cosmetic surgery, now may do so by obtaining a voucher for the clinic for the desired surgery and only for the price of a couple of tickets and winning few rounds. The benefit will be comprehensive and the quality of products and services will increase because it will be the deciding factor at the time of choosing a product or service.
There are many examples of how the economy will benefit. will start the stagnant wheel and create new jobs, especially for those who understand the intricacies of the game of dominoes. Those who consistently make it the later rounds may be contracted by others and have them apply the system for them on a commission/-base hourly system.
Shipping companies such as FedEx or UPS will do outstanding because after each and every tournament there will be a product that needs to be shipped.
But of all the values that we shall receive, the most important one will be the spiritual gains from allowing everyone for the first time to really feel equal and have a fair opportunity to achieve their goals, regardless of their physical capabilities (or inability), gender, race or religion. Instead, success will be based solely on your brainpower and your perseverance to get better every day. Only that will make you worthy of achieving your dreams
REGISTER YOUR WEBSITE on DT Market network ,and RECEIVE a link to be posted in the vendor list when the project are completed
In tribute to the twin World Trade Center towers, the logo of this site will be two pieces of dominoes representing them and its symbolic meaning of the power of the economy of America and the its people's drive for excellence.
DTmarket will be a market:
...That is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
...That is limitless and boundless; there is always room for more. If there is need for more tournaments, they can simply be created.
...That can create millionaires by minutes, impacting the economy of the area where they live and creating a new generation: DT millionaires.
...That is able to move any sort of merchandise with a value up to a million dollars.
...That will maintain a constant productivity in the real estate markets, capital and basic necessities...
Such a project can only bring more prosperity, well-being and development.
Let us, guided by the hand of God, forever change the meaning of our lives and live with the motivation of having created a new world where there will always, a second chance to fulfill our dreams. With that viewpoint, I calmly can tell the world: give us a device with connection on and we are going to move the world .